The MHS 2014 Fall Conference will be held
October 17-19 at the Odawa Hotel
in Petoskey, Michigan
If you enjoyed the unforgettable 2012 presentation on women in Hemingway's life,
his mother and wives, you are sure to enjoy this year's theme which will center on several
members of the "supporting cast" of people that were a part of Ernest Hemingway's life.
Watch for further details
Recent Hemingway News:
MHS 2013 Fall Conference
The Michigan Hemingway Society held its 23nd annual weekend conference “Raising A Glass With Hemingway”on October 4-6, 2013, at the Odawa Hotel in Petoskey.
Once again the writing contest was a big success with several excellent entries. The judges had a difficult time limiting the field to only three winners. Congratuations to them.
Joe Meany(2nd Place), Dan Wilcox (3rd Place), Jack Jobst(1st Place)
Is Your MHS Membership Current?
The MHS membership year runs from January through December, and we encourage you to renew your membership at the beginning of each calendar year. However, if you have not yet sent in your membership dues for this year please do so NOW. Membership is $10 per calendar year for students, $20 per calendar year for an individual, or $30 per year for a family (two adults at the same address). We also encourage you to support our organization by becoming a patron at $50 or more per year.
Click HERE for a Membership Form
Paper, printing, and postage costs increase every year. If you can help us by reading your newsletter online at our website ( so that we can cut back on our mailing costs, please let us know. Contact me (Nancy Nicholson – MHS, Box 922, Petoskey, MI 49770 or email if you wish your name removed from the mailing list.
From time to time we offer news or announcements via e-mail on our MHS list-serve, hosted by Michigan Tech and Board Member Jack Jobst. The list-serve may also be used by any member to offer questions, make announcements, or to initiate discussions. If you are not a member of the list and would like to sign up, send an e-mail to In the subject line write subscribe mihemsoc-L
A limited number of these DVD's are still available. The DVD includes Michigan sites of his stories and life, interviews of scholars and family as well as many historical photos. Created by Central Michigan University, Michigan Council for the Humanities, and the Michigan Hemingway Society (a CMU/WCMU-TV/PBS production). To order, please send $25 (includes shipping and handling) to: Nancy Nicholson - P.O. Box 922 - Petoskey, Michigan 49770