Michigan Hemingway Society

Since 1990, focusing on the Michigan influence in Ernest Hemingway's work,
especially the Nick Adams Stories.
The society holds an annual Hemingway Weekend in Petoskey, MI
each Fall which features speakers, readings, exhibits, and tours
of northern Michigan sites where the Nobel Prize-winning author
spent his boyhood summers.

MHS 2013 Fall Conference

(Registration Form)

Philip Greene, author of To Have and Have Another; a Hemingway Cocktail Companion, has been selected to give the keynote presentation at the Michigan Hemingway Society's 23rd annual weekend conference October 4-6, 2013, at the Odawa Hotel in Petoskey. 

Philip GreenGreene’s book delves deep into the author’s drinking habits and offers dozens of authentic recipes for drinks directly connected with Hemingway's novels, history and folklore, as well as  colorful anecdotes about the man himself.  The author will be speaking at 8 p.m. Saturday.

The weekend conference begins Friday at 8 p.m. with a welcome by MHS President Mike Federspiel, followed by short quotations from Hemingway's writings or letters that refer to drink, read by conference attendees. If you would like to bring and read your favorite quotation, please do so.

On Saturday, Ken Marek and Chris Struble, board members of the Michigan Hemingway Society, and James McCullough, a North Central Michigan College professor, will hold a panel discussion about the role of drink in the Nick Adams stories and in EH’s early life. They will consider the relevance of what was going on at that time with Prohibition, EH’s war experiences and his age. The panel discussion will take place at 9:30 a.m.

Sunday morning, winners of the writing contest will be announced and will read their winning entries. This year’s theme is “Raising a Glass with Hemingway.”  Entries are to be written in Hemingway’s style and are to be related to this theme.

All conference presentations will be held at the Odawa Hotel. Between presentations, conference attendees are encouraged to visit the new Hemingway exhibit at the Little Traverse History Museum; take a self-guided tour of the new Hemingway historical site markers in the area; and visit McLean & Eakin Bookstore 2-4 pm Saturday for the sale and signing of Greene's book.

Cost to attend all meals and conference functions is $160 for MHS members and $185 for non-members.  Individual events are open to the public for a separate charge. A registration form has been mailed those receiving the MHS Newsletter and is also available online at www.MichiganHemingwaySociety.org. Those interested in additional information about the conference may contact Nancy Nicholson at 231-347-0117 or email her at grannynanny37@hotmail.com

Conference Writing Contest

This year’s theme is “Raising a Glass with Hemingway.”  Conference attendees are invited to write a short-short story or essay in Hemingway’s style that is somehow related to this theme - something to do with drink or drinking, be it alcoholic or non-alcoholic.  Make your piece no longer than two double-spaced pages, 12-point Times New Roman type.  Submit it by breakfast on Saturday – no exceptions.  Please put your name in the envelope in which you’ve placed your entry – but not on the entry itself.  The esteemed judges’ decision is final!  Winners (first, second and third places) will be announced at Sunday breakfast and the winners invited to read their stories.  Prizes are gift certificates from McLean & Eakin - $25, $15, and $10.

Used Book Sales

Our favorite used book dealers, Steve and Marlene Ruebelman, will be here in the Ontario Room with their always-fabulous selection of used books and magazines and other Hemingway-related works for sale during the conference.  They begin late Friday afternoon and are open every day of our weekend; check their schedule when you arrive. (Please bring checks or cash since they do not accept plastic.  You might want to cash that pension or paycheck before you come in order to be fully prepared!)

Conference Headquarters

Conference headquarters is again at the Odawa Hotel, located at 1444 South US 131. (The hotel is located about two blocks from the Odawa Casino.)  Room reservations are separate from your conference registration fee.  The Odawa is holding a block of rooms from Thursday October 3 to Monday October 7, so you may come early or stay late to enjoy Hemingway country and the fall colors.  All rooms are non smoking.

The rates for the rooms are Sunday thru Thursday $89, Friday and Saturday $99.  These rates are based on single/double occupancy. Check with the Odawa regarding suite rates.  The Odawa will hold these rooms at this price until September 4, 2013, one month before the conference begins. To book your room, call 231-347-6041, and ask for the Hemingway Society Conference 2013 special rate by Sept.4th

The Odawa also has shuttle buses that are available for trips downtown or to the casino.  Check at the desk for more information.  If you prefer other nearby lodging please contact the Petoskey Chamber of Commerce (www.petoskey.com or call 231-347-4150) or see the Petoskey Area Visitors Bureau (www.petoskeyarea.com or call 1-800-845-2828).

Conference Schedule

4-6:30 PM  Conference sign-in in the Odawa Hotel lobby.
6:00 PM     Hearty hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar.
8:00 PM     Welcome by President Mike Federspiel who will set the stage for the weekend beginning with readings of quotations from Hemingway’s writings or letters that refer to drink. If you would like to bring and read your favorite short quotation, please do so.

9:00 AM     Breakfast followed by a panel discussion with MHS board members Ken Marek and Chris Struble and James McCullough, a North Central Michigan College professor.  They will talk about the role of drink in the Nick Adams stories and in EH’s early life, particularly noting the relevance of what was going on at that time with Prohibition, EH’s war experiences and his age. Be sure to submit your entry for the writing contest at breakfast.
Afternoon      Lunch on your own, followed by free time.  It’s an excellent opportunity to visit the new Hemingway exhibit at the History Museum, and take a self-guided tour of the new site markers in the area.  Refer to the brochure Hemingway’s Michigan, which you’ll find in your conference packets. 
2-4:00 PM  Philip Greene will be at the McLean & Eakin Bookstore for the sale and signing of his book To Have and Have Another; a Hemingway Cocktail Companion. 
5:30 PM     Appetizers and a cash bar at the Odawa
6:30 PM     Dinner at the Odawa
8:00 PM     Keynote Presentation by Philip Green

9:00 AM     Breakfast at the Odawa.  After breakfast the winners of the writing contest will be announced and will read their winning entries.  After that we’ll have updates of Hemingway news both locally and internationally, followed by a short membership business meeting.  Usually we have you on your way by 11 or 11:30 AM
(Registration Form)

Is Your MHS Membership Current?

MHS Membership

The MHS membership year runs from January through December, and we encourage you to renew your membership at the beginning of each calendar year. However, if you have not yet sent in your membership dues for this year please do so NOW. Membership is $10 per calendar year for students, $20 per calendar year for an individual, or $30 per year for a family (two adults at the same address). We also encourage you to support our organization by becoming a patron at $50 or more per year.

Click HERE for a Membership Form

Mailing List

Paper, printing, and postage costs increase every year. If you can help us by reading your newsletter online at our website (www.michiganhemingwaysociety.org) so that we can cut back on our mailing costs, please let us know. Contact me (Nancy Nicholson – MHS, Box 922, Petoskey, MI 49770 or email info@michiganhemingwaysociety.org) if you wish your name removed from the mailing list.

MHS List-Serv

From time to time we offer news or announcements via e-mail on our MHS list-serve, hosted by Michigan Tech and Board Member Jack Jobst. The list-serve may also be used by any member to offer questions, make announcements, or to initiate discussions. If you are not a member of the list and would like to sign up, send an e-mail to sympa@mtu.edu. In the subject line write subscribe mihemsoc-L

Ernest Hemingway, A Life in Michigan (DVD)

A limited number of these DVD's are still available. The DVD includes Michigan sites of his stories and life, interviews of scholars and family as well as many historical photos. Created by Central Michigan University, Michigan Council for the Humanities, and the Michigan Hemingway Society (a CMU/WCMU-TV/PBS production). To order, please send $25 (includes shipping and handling) to: Nancy Nicholson - P.O. Box 922 - Petoskey, Michigan 49770