Michigan Hemingway Society

Since 1990, focusing on the Michigan influence in Ernest Hemingway's work,
especially the Nick Adams Stories.
The society holds an annual Hemingway Weekend in Petoskey, MI
each Fall which features speakers, readings, exhibits, and tours
of northern Michigan sites where the Nobel Prize-winning author
spent his boyhood summers.

2015 Conference Registration

This year's conference fee is $180 for each member or $205 for each non-member.

              The registration fee includes the following items:

              Friday      Evening reception and heavy hors d’oeuvres with program at
                                the Perry Hotel

             Saturday Breakfast and program at the Perry; two afternoon tours (sign up
                               on arrival); dinner and program at the Bay View Inn

             Sunday   Breakfast meeting at the Perry; afternoon tour to Pine Barrens
                               with sack lunch.

Not included are Friday’s cash bar, Saturday’s lunch, and hotel accommodations for the conference. See the Home Page for hotel reservation information.

Register online and there are no forms to print and fill out, no checks to write and mail, and you receive an immediate on screen confirmation with a receipt by email.

Online registration with PayPal is safe and convenient. You may use either a PayPal account or a credit card below. To use a credit card, submit the information and follow the "debit and credit card" links.

Number of Attendees
Attendee Name(s)
Email Address

If you prefer, you may register by completing a Registration Form and mailing it with your check or money order in US dollars to the Society Treasurer as shown on the form.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at info@michiganhemingwaysociety.org